Thursday, February 16, 2023

Data Driven Decision Making in the Classroom

Our students are constantly developing and growing, and it is important for us as teachers to keep our instruction relevant and engaging for them. One of the best ways to adapt our instruction to their needs is through data-driven decision-making. Data-driven decision-making is the way that teachers collect and use data in their classrooms to change and adapt their planning and instructional methods to the academic level and interests of their students. Data-driven decision-making is important to use in the classroom because as teachers we want to help our students grow. We need to understand them and where they are in order to help them reach their full potential. It also helps to promote a community of learners. There are so many ways for teachers to collect data. One of the biggest ways and most widely used data collection tools are formative assessments. Formative assessments include exams, tests, and quizzes. Some other ways to collect data include thumbs up/thumbs down and self-reflection surveys. After collecting this data through various forms, it is important to implement your findings into your instruction in order to cater to your student's specific needs. 
A High Angle Shot of Students Taking Exam Inside the Classroom · Free Stock  Photo
A teacher giving students a formative assessment in order to collect data

I have observed teachers and analyzed they have collected data in their own classrooms. One of my favorite ways that I have observed a teacher use data and technology in her classroom was through the app Nearpod. Nearpod allowed her to create interactive lesson plans for her students to follow along with her on their own Chrome Books. In Nearpod, there would be different questions for her students to answer throughout, and when the students submitted their answers, she could. automatically see them. She could see how many students got the answer correct or wrong, and then she could cater their discussion to what they needed the most help with. She used this a lot with spelling words. She would write the variety of answers that they had, and then they would go through each one and discuss why or why not the answer was incorrect. This is a great and observable way to collect and use data to influence instruction. Data is easily accessible with all of the technology and resources that we have available. We should not take this for granted. As teachers, we have the opportunity to improve our instruction and meet kids where they are in their academic journey. Our students every year will have different strengths, weaknesses, and motivators. Instruction should not stay the same from year to year. Data collection and usage is the most important tool to help your students exceed learning expectations. 

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