Thursday, March 9, 2023

Educational Blogging

 Educational blogging is something, I feel, does not get talked about enough or used enough. I know that none of my teachers utilized this sort of platform. You can learn so many different things by creating blogs for others to see, or by reading other people's blogs. An educational blog, simply put, is a blog that is being used for educational purposes. They can be used for peer discussion or group collaboration. There are many benefits to using educational blogs. Some of those include developing analytical thinking, promoting self-expression, and improving students' writing skills. 

One blog post that I decided to read was titled, “Mental Health in Education,” by Tom Frank. He talks about how mental health has been declining over the last several years and how people all over are trying to make a change. I like how he gives a personal example of how his school tried to improve the mental health of students. At my school, they brought in a therapy dog once every week for students to go pet and just hang out with. I think schools are definitely trying to make a difference in their student's mental health, but there is still a long way to go. Another blog post that I found interesting was titled, “Parental Involvement in the Elementary School classroom,” posted by Kate Hampton. She discusses in her post that parents who are more involved in the schooling of their children actually have a positive effect on their child’s learning success. It also created better behavior and social skills with their peers. I think that it is important for every child’s parent to be at least somewhat involved and encouraging toward their student’s academic journey. The last blog post that I decided to read was titled, “Whole Child Approach,” by Ava Holder. I honestly had not heard much about this until reading this blog post. The whole-child approach focuses on nurturing all areas of child development. I think that this is a great approach for schools and teachers to be taking with their students because we are trying to prepare these kids for the real world, not just for taking tests.  

Prior to this class, I did not have any experience with blogging. I had read some blogs before but was never fully introduced to the idea of it. I think that this is a great way to share information in a fun and creative way. In my future classroom, I will use blogging as a way to share important information with the parents of my students, and also allow the students to have access to it as well. 

bipolar disorder — Blog: living with bipolar & teaching my kids about  mental health — Jennifer Marshall
A teacher creating her blog for her classroom

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Educational Blogging

  Educational blogging is something, I feel, does not get talked about enough or used enough. I know that none of my teachers utilized this ...