Thursday, March 9, 2023

Educational Blogging

 Educational blogging is something, I feel, does not get talked about enough or used enough. I know that none of my teachers utilized this sort of platform. You can learn so many different things by creating blogs for others to see, or by reading other people's blogs. An educational blog, simply put, is a blog that is being used for educational purposes. They can be used for peer discussion or group collaboration. There are many benefits to using educational blogs. Some of those include developing analytical thinking, promoting self-expression, and improving students' writing skills. 

One blog post that I decided to read was titled, “Mental Health in Education,” by Tom Frank. He talks about how mental health has been declining over the last several years and how people all over are trying to make a change. I like how he gives a personal example of how his school tried to improve the mental health of students. At my school, they brought in a therapy dog once every week for students to go pet and just hang out with. I think schools are definitely trying to make a difference in their student's mental health, but there is still a long way to go. Another blog post that I found interesting was titled, “Parental Involvement in the Elementary School classroom,” posted by Kate Hampton. She discusses in her post that parents who are more involved in the schooling of their children actually have a positive effect on their child’s learning success. It also created better behavior and social skills with their peers. I think that it is important for every child’s parent to be at least somewhat involved and encouraging toward their student’s academic journey. The last blog post that I decided to read was titled, “Whole Child Approach,” by Ava Holder. I honestly had not heard much about this until reading this blog post. The whole-child approach focuses on nurturing all areas of child development. I think that this is a great approach for schools and teachers to be taking with their students because we are trying to prepare these kids for the real world, not just for taking tests.  

Prior to this class, I did not have any experience with blogging. I had read some blogs before but was never fully introduced to the idea of it. I think that this is a great way to share information in a fun and creative way. In my future classroom, I will use blogging as a way to share important information with the parents of my students, and also allow the students to have access to it as well. 

bipolar disorder — Blog: living with bipolar & teaching my kids about  mental health — Jennifer Marshall
A teacher creating her blog for her classroom

Thursday, March 2, 2023

The Benefits of Technology Use in the Classroom

Technology has become a big part of our society and is now making its way into the classroom. How useful and beneficial is the integration and incorporation of technology use in the classroom? Technology in the classroom can help to enhance lessons as well as increase student engagement. Finding a happy medium of technology in the classroom has many different benefits that increase student success. 

One of the biggest benefits of using technology in the classroom is fast access to student data.  My mentor teacher uses the app NearPod in her classroom. NearPod helps teachers to create more interactive lessons. Students can follow along on their Chromebooks. They answer questions in the lesson and the teacher then can immediately see their results. She then can change and alter her instruction to better fit her student’s needs. This app is just one platform that teachers can use to collect fast data on their students.

Technology can also allow students to be able to research deeper on topics that they are interested in. Just having the textbooks or different readings only gives the students so much information. With the use of technology, they are able to learn and explore on their own in order to deepen their knowledge. This also keeps the students interested and engaged if you allow them to explore on their own. Not only does this promote more learning within the classroom, but it also promotes learning outside of the classroom.

Not only does the integration of technology in the classroom benefit student's current success, but it will also prepare them for their future. Most of our world is based on technology and being online. Most careers are very reliant on technology for different purposes, and it will not go away anytime soon. Allowing students to jump in on technology for learning purposes will give them a huge advantage as they get older and continue to learn more about it. 

There are so many other ways that students can benefit from technology use in the classroom. Technology is so important in today’s world, it is important for us as teachers to incorporate it into the classroom.

Free Images : technology, training, room, classroom, learning, pc,  classmates, computer class 3648x2432 - - 1224306 - Free stock photos -  PxHere
A classroom using technology in their classroom

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Small Class Sizes are Beneficial for All Students

 Class size has become one of the most significant issues within our modern classrooms. When we talk about class size, we are referring to the number of students in a class. Currently, the average number of students in a classroom in Tennessee is 20.7, and the maximum amount of students that are allowed in each classroom is 25. This will continue to increase with the teacher shortage that America is facing right now. A classroom size that is smaller than 20 students allows for so many benefits for student growth, development, and learning.

Teacher working with students in a small group

My mentor teacher teaches 3rd grade, and the number of students she has in her classroom is 16. I have had the opportunity to see how this smaller class size has allowed her to work with her students in smaller groups and really dig deeper into their learning. I have seen this beneficial for her students by catering instruction to their specific needs. While students are working on different activities and worksheets, she can call students back into a small group and work with them in a smaller setting rather than having to try and do it all as one big group. If her class size was bigger, she would not be able to pull those small groups and work with them on their specific needs because there would be too many students for her to get through in a short amount of time. Another way that I have seen small class size benefit her students is by encouraging them to participate in class more. It can be scary to raise your hand and answer questions in front of a big group of students. I have witnessed so much participation from this group of students. They also encourage each other to answer questions, and when they get it right they cheer them on with a little chant. This small class size has allowed them to feel comfortable participating and asking questions while also getting to know their peers better to push them and encourage them as well. Small class sizes are very beneficial for the students as well as the teachers. 

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Data Driven Decision Making in the Classroom

Our students are constantly developing and growing, and it is important for us as teachers to keep our instruction relevant and engaging for them. One of the best ways to adapt our instruction to their needs is through data-driven decision-making. Data-driven decision-making is the way that teachers collect and use data in their classrooms to change and adapt their planning and instructional methods to the academic level and interests of their students. Data-driven decision-making is important to use in the classroom because as teachers we want to help our students grow. We need to understand them and where they are in order to help them reach their full potential. It also helps to promote a community of learners. There are so many ways for teachers to collect data. One of the biggest ways and most widely used data collection tools are formative assessments. Formative assessments include exams, tests, and quizzes. Some other ways to collect data include thumbs up/thumbs down and self-reflection surveys. After collecting this data through various forms, it is important to implement your findings into your instruction in order to cater to your student's specific needs. 
A High Angle Shot of Students Taking Exam Inside the Classroom · Free Stock  Photo
A teacher giving students a formative assessment in order to collect data

I have observed teachers and analyzed they have collected data in their own classrooms. One of my favorite ways that I have observed a teacher use data and technology in her classroom was through the app Nearpod. Nearpod allowed her to create interactive lesson plans for her students to follow along with her on their own Chrome Books. In Nearpod, there would be different questions for her students to answer throughout, and when the students submitted their answers, she could. automatically see them. She could see how many students got the answer correct or wrong, and then she could cater their discussion to what they needed the most help with. She used this a lot with spelling words. She would write the variety of answers that they had, and then they would go through each one and discuss why or why not the answer was incorrect. This is a great and observable way to collect and use data to influence instruction. Data is easily accessible with all of the technology and resources that we have available. We should not take this for granted. As teachers, we have the opportunity to improve our instruction and meet kids where they are in their academic journey. Our students every year will have different strengths, weaknesses, and motivators. Instruction should not stay the same from year to year. Data collection and usage is the most important tool to help your students exceed learning expectations. 

Educational Blogging

  Educational blogging is something, I feel, does not get talked about enough or used enough. I know that none of my teachers utilized this ...